Click Here to View Latest Population Estimates
The Partners in Flight (PIF) Population Estimates Database is intended to:
- Provide access to the latest USA/Canada landbird population estimates at a variety of geographic scales (global, continental, national, Bird Conservation Region, state and province)
- Provide transparency on the methods, assumptions, data sources, and species-specific correction factors used by PIF to create these estimates.
The PIF population estimates have been updated to incorporate measures of uncertainty as described by Stanton et al. 2019. Estimates for any species or region of interest can be viewed online or downloaded as Excel files from each page. Downloadable files include all pertinent information behind these estimates, including data sources, correction factors, and ranges of uncertainty, as described in the revised Handbook to the Population Estimates Database. To begin querying the database, click HERE.

Citing the database:
To cite the database please use the format below, updating the date on which you accessed the data.
Partners in Flight. 2020. Population Estimates Database, version 3.1. Available at Accessed on <date>.
Support the PIF Population Estimates Database!
This database is maintained through voluntary contributions from numerous organizations and agencies. Please consider supporting future updates to the database by making a contribution to Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.
For More Information:
Arvind Panjabi
230 Cherry Street
Fort Collins, CO 80521
(970) 482-1707 x 20