The PIF Avian Conservation Assessment Database (ACAD) supports core strategic and institutional planning needs of numerous federal and state agencies, joint ventures, NGOs and conservation initiatives. Because the state of knowledge on bird populations is always improving, updating the species assessment process and database with the latest information, analyses and protocols is at the core of advancing bird conservation at various scales. Many organizations, including the National Audubon Society, U.S. Geological Survey, Canadian Wildlife Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and Cornell Lab of Ornithology, among others, support the PIF species assessment process through in-kind contributions such as data analysis and technical expertise.
As the assessment process evolves, however, and new data and analyses are incorporated, updating the PIF Database and making it available to users requires ongoing maintenance. Since 1991, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies has maintained the information used and generated in the PIF Species Assessment Process in a secure database and made it freely available to bird conservation partners through the financial support of numerous agencies and institutions. In particular, Bird Conservancy would like to thank the following organizations for their ongoing support for maintenance of the ACAD:

The future of the PIF Avian Conservation Assessment Database depends on continued financial contributions from users and other partners. Please consider supporting the database through your organizations or agency. Please contact:
Arvind Panjabi
230 Cherry Street
Fort Collins, CO 80521
(970) 482-1707 x20